
Well Known Member
Myra and Claudette completed their mission of landing in all 48 contiguous states. As luck would have it, they are unable to get home today because of weather. It seems unfair that they could fly for two weeks in very challenging conditions and then not be able to get home for some much needed rest. Oh well!
We Made It.jpg



Sure was some hot weather flying they did.

Interesting thing, when they landed at KBYI just before they arrived there, were a couple of women that landed in a C182. They had a number on the front engine cowling. They were on some kind of cross country race.

When the RV landed everyone assumed they were part of the race. Then Kevin talked with them and found out what they were up too.

Awesome adventure, glad they made it. Hope they get home safely.

I did not talk with them, was doing maintenance on my RV. Kevin was checking my MAG drop. Finally determined it was either a worn cable or tach needing replaced. Timing was good.

I did take a couple of cell phone photos. Posted one on the other thread.

Best regards,
Mike Bauer
wow, thats a lot of flying in 2 weeks. Sounds fun! That would be a bucket list type thing for me.
They need to contact Stephen Coonts and share experiences.

He did it in a Stearman and wrote it up in his first non fiction book, The Cannibal Queen.

A very good read btw.

Outstanding one for the bucket list! Amazing to get this done so quickly, my wife was impressed, she said -"in an RV? WOW"
Next they can stretch it out and get the 49th (Alaska) and then put some long-range tanks in and go for the 50th! :)

Nice work!