
Well Known Member
....You might be aware that Charlie Webber left us, heading West, on December 2, 2015, at age 87. Many Flabobians and chapter one members have not yet gotten the word, because Charlie was no longer ensconced in his trailer in Jurassic Park. He will be remembered for many things. One of the most dramatic was his long-running feud with FAA. Charlie was a sailplane pilot as well as a power-plane pilot, and by studying the statistics learned that sailplane pilots, even though they required no medicals, had a significantly lower rate of in flight medical problems than powered aircraft pilots. Being a good engineer, he concluded that 3rd class medicals cause medical problems, and filed a petition for rule making with FAA to do away with them. In this he was very far ahead of his time and it is only now that AOPA and EAA have jumped on the bandwagon that there is a chance of something happening. Although any citizen is by law entitled to file a petition for rule making, FAA did nothing for several years, and answered Charlie's persistent queries by saying that they would get to it when the get to it. Finally, out of patience, Charlie decided to seek relief in the courts. He let his medical lapse, and then called the Riverside FSDO and announced that he was going to fly over from Flabob in a Cessna 150, and what were they going to do about it. They tried to dissuade him but when he showed up and pointed at the C-150, "confessing" to having flown it over with an expired medical, they reluctantly violated him. Charlie then went through the FAA administrative hearing, the U.S. Court of Appeals, and even petitioned for review in the Supreme Court. Rudely, the Court of Appeals opinion was short shrift indeed, consisting only of one word, "Affirmed." The dauntless Charlie formed a semi-mythical organization whose logo was a skunk with upraised tail and the words "Spray the FAA." Those who have been around for a while will remember it from the back of the jumpsuit which Charlie seemed to wear for months at a time.
Charlie wrote a sort-of history of Flabob, where he lived for many years, called "True Flabob Fibs." Some of it is even true and all of it is entertaining. Anyone interested, we will forward a copy on request via e-mail. (Need your actual e-mail address to send)
There was and will be only one Charlie Webber and many of us will miss him, because of rather than in spite of, his eccentricities.
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My condolences Allan.

Even though I don't live in the USA I'd be keen to read "True Flabob Fibs."
