
Well Known Member
I just returned from a flight to Cuba. The experience was AWESOME! We did all the coordinating ourselves and even though the flying portion was a bit expensive it was worth it. For now there is still no official word on flying an experimental aircraft to Cuba (I asked) and you are required to go IFR. I am working on an experimental approval with the Cuban Civil Aviation Authorities and personally think it will happen.

You can read about the trip from a pilot's perspective in the bottom of the ADVENTURES section of our website,

I just returned from a flight to Cuba. The experience was AWESOME! We did all the coordinating ourselves and even though the flying portion was a bit expensive it was worth it. For now there is still no official word on flying an experimental aircraft to Cuba (I asked) and you are required to go IFR. I am working on an experimental approval with the Cuban Civil Aviation Authorities and personally think it will happen.

You can read about the trip from a pilot's perspective in the bottom of the ADVENTURES section of our website,


Fantastic story! Thanks for posting. One thing that is curious is the radio license requirement. Do we need to get one for Experimental?

The other item was the boarding pass requirement - it looks like they have been well briefed (and prepared) for commercial procedures. It looks like the interface with rules is tricky but the people are not rigid to an obvious rule conflict i.e. boarding pass.

I will be interesting to see what happens to GA acceptance there as time goes by.

Thanks again for this interesting "Adventure" report.

PS the currency is also interesting, I traveled to Siberia via Moscow in 1991. I was told never to pay anything in dollars, only rubles. We stopped in Krasnoyarsk, an official wanted me to pay a passage fee of $20, I thought about it and said I had no dollars only Rubles? She thought a minute and said 20 rubles. :) Exchange rate was 450 rubles to a USD at that time. It looks like Cuba learned that lesson.
flight to Cuba


Nice report, thanks. Very exciting new adventure! You covered the flying details well.

How about the other details of your stay? How was the hotel? Food? Social aspects?
One thing that is curious is the radio license requirement. Do we need to get one for Experimental?

Yes you need the aircraft radio station license to get the landing permit. We are working on getting approval for experimental airplanes to go so stand-by on this. We are approaching them on the premise that an experimental aircraft with a VALID airworthiness certificate is no different than a certificated aircraft. For this reason we don't want them to have different rules for experimentals which could take forever and wind up with some wierd restriction(s) just for us.

The other item was the boarding pass requirement - it looks like they have been well briefed (and prepared) for commercial procedures. It looks like the interface with rules is tricky but the people are not rigid to an obvious rule conflict i.e. boarding pass.

There has been commercial aviation into Cuba for the past 50yrs so they have that down pat, it's GA they are learning about. No such thing as an FBO in Cuba. We recommend they set up an internal policy to use the GENDEC in lieu of a boarding pass for GA. No additional paperwork for them or us and their computer system already accepts it.

How about the other details of your stay? How was the hotel? Food? Social aspects?

The food was excellent and the people even better. My wife is writing about that part of the experience. REMEMBER, travel to Cuba by a U.S. Citizen for tourism is still illegal.

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Same o same o

I read with great interest your story. It is almost identical to my experience in the 1980's flying my Glasair III to the British Virgin Islands. They just don't know how to handle GA aircraft without boarding passes and crew without uniforms.

In my case we had come to an impass until another pilot overheard my dilemma and called me aside and gave me his shirt to allow me passage to my plane. It is a great example of having to follow procedures that don't fit the situation. But all governments have their rules.

Gary Specketer
That nose wheel chock wasn't easy to move. At least we knew the airplane wasn't going to roll away. :D

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Galin the Pathfinder

What a great adventure! Thanks for a detailed story Galin and congratulations on being the first! Do they still speak Russian in Cuba? Was Antonov pilot a native?
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Congratulations on the trip, and being one of the trail blazers for GA aviation to Cuba. Many others will benefit from your experience and work. Loved the write-up and the pictures.

I would love to travel to Cuba, but because of work will probably wait until tourism by US citizens is allowed -- or I change jobs.


What a great adventure! Thanks for a detailed story Galin and congratulations on being the first! Do they still speak Russian in Cuba? Was Antonov pilot a native?

I did not run into anybody that spoke Russian but I imagine there are many that do. The Antonov pilot was a native Cuban.

Once we iron out the experimental airplane thing we need to do a trip with just experimental airplanes. :D

Congratulations on the trip, and being one of the trail blazers for GA aviation to Cuba. Many others will benefit from your experience and work. Loved the write-up and the pictures.

I would love to travel to Cuba, but because of work will probably wait until tourism by US citizens is allowed -- or I change jobs.



I know what you mean. I retired in 2013 so now I can go. Hey, with the "thawing of relations" you may eventually need to travel on official business there. ;)
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Looks like a Russian to me. Who else could fly an Antonov in Cuba? :D

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Thank you

Thank you for sharing. A group of neighbors here at Spruce Creek has been talking about making the trip as soon as it is possible to do so. I am looking forward to reading your future report.
Thank you for sharing. A group of neighbors here at Spruce Creek has been talking about making the trip as soon as it is possible to do so. I am looking forward to reading your future report.

I am right around the corner from Spruce Creek at Flagler (KFIN) airport. Next time you fly in for a burger look me up in Hangar C36.

A friend of mine was there recently on an summer exchange program through her university. She has great pictures like yours and enjoyed her time there.
This is a return to the "good ole days"! I would love to recreate a trip made in my 170 several months before I was born:

You know I am not from your shores, I'm from Perfidious Albion - The UK.

I also fly for Thomas Cook and we fly to Cuba a lot, mainly Varadero, Holguin, Cayo Coco.

The last year or so has been quite a revelation, the discussions about new cooperation, new connections and the breakdown of old barriers is to me very good.

If you are a true member of the GOP, maybe you won't agree :D

Cuba is an intriguing country - lots of potential - take it steady !

So good to hear that you guys are starting to visit.

If you want any info - contact me off line, I am happy to chat and I visit Orlando, New York and Vegas frequently.

How about the other details of your stay? How was the hotel? Food? Social aspects?

I updated the trip write-up with details written by my wife of our actual stay including food and social aspects. It is located near the bottom part of the ADVENTURES section of our web page:

I also posted a short video of our landing and later take off from Havana, Cuba at:

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This is a return to the "good ole days"! I would love to recreate a trip made in my 170 several months before I was born:


That is so AWESOME! Your 170 made the trip from Marianna, FL when it was still Graham Air Base. It flew there even before I was born, and that was a long time ago.

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