Huge congrats! The instrument rating is a great milestone in your flying life and its still one I am most proud of..Way to go!
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Got an instrument rating! Huge thanks to my hangar neighbor and fellow -7 driver Pat who dusted off his CFII and taught this pig to fly in the clouds. Now, KHAF is usable all year, no summer fog "TFR" any longer.
Way to go, Bill!!!!! HUGE accomplishment!!!!!!
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Fixed a leaky tank followed by a 5 hour test flight. Looped around Big Horn NRA toward Fort Smith, Montana. Nearly the same setup I have here in Dutch John, Utah. A dam, an airstrip and a tiny village.

Fort Smith, Montana - 1.jpeg

Fort Smith, Montana - 1 (1).jpeg
Flew my standard mission from VA to PA. The advantages over driving are particularly extreme in the summer. My recently refurbished 430W (no I did NOT send it to Garmin 🀣) worked like a champ.

Pre-weekend, but we camped at Payson, AZ on Wednesday night.


Trip blog writeup:


Oh, and my wife was away in Atlanta, GA at the SkillsUSA National Championships where her student in Engineering won GOLD!
This was her last duty as a teacher before being officially retired. I'm looking forward to doing much more traveling now that we are both retired.
Fixed a leaky tank followed by a 5 hour test flight. Looped around Big Horn NRA toward Fort Smith, Montana. Nearly the same setup I have here in Dutch John, Utah. A dam, an airstrip and a tiny village.

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One of my favorite places on the planet! I would take people up flying and this was an easy flight from Billings. Great to tour the canyon, then land at the airstrip for lunch. The little village sprang up to house people who were building the dam. Big Horn Mountains! I have stories....... 😊 😊 😊
One of my favorite places on the planet! I would take people up flying and this was an easy flight from Billings. Great to tour the canyon, then land at the airstrip for lunch. The little village sprang up to house people who were building the dam. Big Horn Mountains! I have stories....... 😊 😊 😊

Is there a place to have lunch? Can you walk across the bridge? Any tie downs?

fort smith - 1.jpeg
Is there a place to have lunch? Can you walk across the bridge? Any tie downs?

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We always packed a lunch to have at the airport. Never did walk to 'town'. Looks like about a mile walk and one would think there must be SOME where to eat there! But that would be a guess. It has been a while since I have landed there, and I don't remember if there are tiedowns or not....