Well Known Member
WD802 and WD803 left and right have 2 holes that are not on the 801 brackets or on the firewall. The new -1 fuselage says to drill from the fwd side. My questions are the following:

1) Do those two holes get drilled from the aft side? I don't know how else to transfer the holes.

2) What side holes are they? Looks like one is #30 and one is #12. DWG 60 does not show anything about those holes. Maybe I just missed it completely:confused:

Thanks for any help.
I'll check on mine when I get Home. IIRC you may be looking at things the wrong way. I think I had the same confusion for 10 minutes.
I checked both my plans and DWG 60. The only holes that get drilled are the ones that attach the firewall with flush rivets. I couldn't find the holes you are talking about.
Got Pictures?
These ones?

If you mean these holes shown below, then at least on my RV-8 they remain undrilled at this time. Not sure what the smaller one is for, but I'm pretty certain the bigger one is for the engine mount. I don't have my finish kit yet, and thus dwg49 on which the engine mount is supposedly shown so I'm not 100% certain.

Incidentally, on that top mount you see the forward-most rivet is smaller than the rest; that's the Vans specified rivet size. It is way under the Avery rivet guage I have. I went bigger for the others but that forward one was awkward enough to drive that I decided to leave it. Can't remember exactly what bigger size I went with, but I'm sure if you search my kitloh it'll be in there somewhere; I usually mention when things are different to the plans or instructions. There are plenty of places where I think Vans rivets are just too short on the fuselage...

those are the holes that I was talking about. I talked to Vans (Ken I think) and he told me to go ahead a drill those holes. The smaller one is there as a tooling hole. The big one is there for the engine mount. Just a note, I told him that I was concerned about the edge distance on the spacer plates. He told me not to worry about it. You do not have to comply with the edge distance rule on the spacer plates. He also told me to keep the engine mount hole as small as posible for now until the mount shows up.
cool :)

I'm away for the week, but I think the bigger ones are pre-drilled in my firewall, but the smaller ones certainly aren't. I guess it doesn't matter if they are just tooling holes. I will put this on my 'to check' list for when I get back home next week...
Cheers for checking and reporting back, & have fun!