
Well Known Member
I thought I would throw this out to the VAF collective before asking Vans, just in case someone has had a similar issue before.

WD-814 rollbar - fuselage fit. I'm unable to get the correct edge distance for the #12 holes/AN-3 bolts that hold this weldment to the rails/upper longeron.

I have the inside bolts fitted, holding the weldment tight against the rail flange, but I am still short. Drilling these holes as-is will ruin the longeron.

The photos show my verniers sent to the minimum ED required (0.344) and the little mark next to the weldment shows my projected hole centre at the moment.

Has anyone had this issue?

Cheers :)



Roll bar

I don't recall having this problem. Is the plate flush with the outside of the angle? I did need to spread my roll bar just a little for a nice fit. A hydraulic jack and some shade tree engineering and it fit like a glove.
Hole location

If the roll bar is up flush, I would think you have 3 options.
1) drill it and live with short ED.
2) weld up the hole in the roll bar, then re-drill it to increase ED.
I've done this before and it's an easy fix, but you do screw up the paint.
3) order a new roll bar less mounting holes.
Good luck.
moving hole

I have pulled holes in a direction by filing. Take a small round file and file (pull) the hole in the direction you want the hole to move. Don't go any farther than the diameter of final size. This might get you close to what you need.
Thanks for the replies. Yes the inside flanges are bolted up tight (you can see the temporary bolts at the bottom of the top photo) so I can't get any more lateral movement.

I think the holes are too far out to be 'pulled' in that direction by filing without going oversize. I'm keen on the welding/re-drilling idea. I'll post my results in a year when I get back to the project :)


weld it up, re-drill them. or, buzz the close side and file the the hole in the direction you want to go. I wouldn't drill it. even though vans would likely tell you its ok. Good luck YMMV
Van's have responded that the lack of ED on the longeron isn't an issue due to the steel adding strength in this area. They did suggest I file the holes outboard slightly though to improve the situation. I think I will partially weld and file as suggested by cytoxin. Time to to dig out the old Mig..

Thank you all!
