
Active Member
This weekend I'm gonna work on the rudder and wondering if you should prime the part as it appears to be treated already?
I THINK Larry meant Alclad not Alodined. The only thing I've seen Alodined was my pre-manufactured wing spars.

The WD-1205 rudder horn is powder coated steel and should require no additional priming.


RV-12 N255SM (Reserved)
Hey Steve

Hey Steve,

Sounds like you're moving right along. Good to see you pop up. Discover anything I'm going to wish I'd done?
Anything that is not alondined I primed. Anything that is not sheet is not alodined.

I THINK Larry meant Alclad not Alodined. The only thing I've seen Alodined was my pre-manufactured wing spars.

The WD-1205 rudder horn is powder coated steel and should require no additional priming.


RV-12 N255SM (Reserved)

You are correct on both counts! I meant Alcad! It's been a long week. ;)
Thanks guys primed all the rudder material today and the vertical stabilizer stuff (minus the dodgy rib) so tomorrow I will start squeezing the first of many rivets.

I just received the new rib which looks much better and fits like a charm.:cool: Spent the day deburring it along with all the rudder internals and just finished priming them. Hope you get yours soon!
