
Chief Obfuscation Officer
Will one of you high-flyin instrument types please splain sumthin to a VFR low and slow stick and rudder guy like me? :)

In my web surfing adventures, I see many of you have "Annunciators" or "ACUs" in your panels... wazzit fer? (what is it for, what does it do). I think I have an idea, but maybe one of you could explain it in simple terms.

it annunciates, it controls, it's a unit


TSO C129a requires an external annunciator for various IFR GPS functions. Hold (temporarily discontinue waypoint sequencing), arm the approach (not always required, depending on the GPS), switch between OBS and LEG mode, etc.

Some IFR GPSs like the GNS-430 don't require external annunciators. Others, such as the GX60 that I have, do require it.

)_( Dan
RV-7 N714D