
Well Known Member
Mostly by coincidence, nearly all my RV time has been behind GRT screens. I was overall impressed with their features and reliability in my prior 9A and 10 partnerships. But, like many things in life, maybe didn't fully appreciate or recognize what it offered that others may not.

One GRT feature on the Hx I loved was waypoint balloons. My new-to-me 10 came with AFS screens, and now I realize AFS might not offer this as I haven't seen them (35/3400 screens). Do they exist on their newer EFIS displays, like the 4500 or 5600? If not, anyone heard they're in the works?

Does Garmin or Dynon have this feature?

Waypoint balloons were super helpful during my IFR training (& checkride with 40+ knot crosswinds in a hold!) and for real world single pilot IFR. Once on course, putting "the thing on the thing" (flight path marker on the balloon) made staying on course so simple, even with varying crosswinds in a climb/decent, etc. Also with the balloon height adjusting with your pre-selected altitude, your FPM indicated if you'd reach that altitude when crossing that waypoint.

Don't mean to sound like a guy missing his ex :eek: , but couldn't find mention of the term in a forum search or looking through some AFS manuals. AFS sure seems like a nice system overall as well. I just wish it had these balloons or an equivalent. Any luck, or is it a GRT thing?
SkyView latest update has them as flags

Not sure yet if I like them or not. According to the user's manual page 4-19, "in version 15.0 and later, when a Flight Plan is engaged, airports and waypoints are shown in SynVis as flags."
Appreciate those inputs confirming similar functionality with at least some Garmin and Dynon units. I wonder if AFS has this brewing as a Dynon family member... That'd be great!

I might check with them if we don't get any intel mentioned here. It sure could sway me towards them for future upgrades. :D

(BTW, I could've sworn I saw in passing an entertaining reply about ex- EFIS's and other types... but now it's gone. Weird.)
AFS 5000 has them

I have an AFS 5600 and 5500 in my 7 and they both have the waypoint tags. I usually am going direct somewhere, but the airports show up with tags. Not sure if an intersection does if in the flight plan.
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