
Well Known Member
A friend and I stopped by KLCG, Wayne County Municipal, in Nebraska yesterday for a rest stop after a long trip from Oklahoma. They have two concrete runways and what looks like a beautiful grass strip, though I have to admit my criteria for a beautiful grass strip is that it is green and cut. The airport manager came out to meet us at the pumps and show us how to use it. He was very proud of his new pump equipment. We chatted about the weather and such and he mentioned that the airport was obliterated last year by a tornado. 18 planes and almost every building on the property was flattened or simply blown away in October of '13. The rebuild is almost complete and they want anyone who needs a rest stop on the way to OSH to stop by and see their facilities. Free sandwiches, bottles of water. Gas was $5, I believe (I wasnt paying that time). Most of the airport runway lighting is still not functional, but if you're daytime VFR its no problem.