
Well Known Member
Doug and family,

Congrats. What a wonderful day. Physics might have been a bit better choice, but Chemistry is great! :)

All the best

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All that homework and study paid off. Hope it was fun to walk with your fellow graduates..... You will excel in graduate school no doubt. Made your parents proud !!!!!!
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Yes, Congratulations to Audrey and the DR family.
DR, You must be very proud.

So very cool seeing those pictures from the past where your little girl has grown up to be such an accomplished student & adult.
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Congrats to Audrey and her proud parents. We went through this ourselves within the last 3 years with our daughter. First the BA and then the Masters and then married in September. Been a pretty expensive 6 years.
Congrats to Audrey

Big congrats to Audrey but also to Doug & Susan because with involvement and support from good parents our kids wouldn't turn out so well in today's environment. With all the distractions out there it's tough for kids today to keep so focused on their education.

I just went to my niece's graduation yesterday and it is a special moment when you see how hard they worked and how happy they are when they reach their goal.

Nice job Audrey and way to go Mom & Dad!
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Congratulations Audrey!

Chemistry is no frivolous matter. You and your peers will be manipulating the building blocks of the universe. For cryin out loud, DO GOOD WORK!

I would encourage you to look into the PhD program at Georgia Tech. They have a great Chemistry Department. My Dad taught there for 30 years. On top of that, Atlanta is a great place to live. If you want to come visit Ga. Tech, let us know and we can put you up and provide transportation around Atlanta.

Thank you for being so dedicated to your science and to helping humanity.
Congratulations Audrey! All the best as you pursue your dreams.
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