
Well Known Member
This past Saturday, a few hearty souls braved the forecast (and realized!) moderate turbulence and strong headwinds to make it to the 1st Ever Watson Farm Fly-In just west of 2J9 in Quincy, Florida (my home town). It was hosted by David and Janice Watson (RV8 builders).

They came from as far north as Columbia, SC (me) and as far south as Naples FL, along with a formation flight of four RV8's {"Victor Flight" (?)} and others from Spruce Creek.

The fastest four cylinder RV8 was there, along with a newly painted "Hot Flash". I have it on authority that there was at least one contribution from the right seater for the nose art and no, I am NOT telling. :)

The Flight of 4 RV8's arrived with "smoke on!" and made several really nice passes, much to the delight of the audience on the ground. I think those guys have done that a few times before. :)

The Watsons (David and Janice) put out a "nice spread" on the food and hospitality. It was all good ... especially the BBQ and the banana pudding!

"The Watson Farm" aerodrome is such an idyllic place! I am sure it will grow to become a favorite place to go in the future. I know I plan to make it again.

David and I were high school classmates and he just ran across a picture of me in on Larry Bowen's RV8 website (http://www.bowenaero.com) after not having seen me in over 35 years! Next thing we know, I am the first RV to land on his "aerodrome". Most fitting, I think.

http://picasaweb.google.com/jclarkmail/WatsonFarmFlyin/photo?authkey=v9tgkKcDil8#5043086748718787458Of course, it was only proper that I give Janice a ride out to our "farm" after a few passes for the crowd and then over to 2J9 for a fuel top off while David played host. I would have given a few nephews a ride but it was really too turbulent so I guess I will just have to go back and fulfill a promise one day. :) After all had left and everything cleaned up, David and I went up for a little fun ... not long enough though. I owe him a MUCH longer ride. :)

We said our goodbyes and two hours later, I was back at the hangar at KCUB.

Small world isn't it.

<I will try to get some pix later.>

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