
My RV-4 leaks in the rain, both on the ground and in flight. I've tried a number of seals the latest being a V-seal on the leading edge of the canopy. Nothing seems to work well. Has anyone figured out how to waterproof their RV-4?

I haven't rain tested this, but I got a good seal this way. Works best on areas where the gap is small, like the front and back of the canopy.
Put waxed paper on the part of the plane you want to seal. Tape it down smooth with blue masking tape.
Put a bead of silicone on the canopy skirt. Close the canopy, and wait overnight.
I did mine in sections, about 2 feet at a time. I put talcum powder on the silicone when it was totally cured. Otherwise the canopy was hard to open. Almost like pulling on a suction cup.
I used NAPA closed cell foam weather stripping on the bigger gaps. (where the canopy frame meets the fuse longeron)
I have been fighting this battle for 7 years. First I used the silicone sealer method above, then various types of weatherstripping. What seams to work the best is some thin black weatherstripping from Van's. I first saw it when a friend of mine got it with his RV-6 kit. It compresses to very thin, and has an air pocket in the center.

I have found that this stuff is rather fragile, and you have to replace about anually. That said, it is not perfect, I usually still get a some leakage in moderate rain (yellow on the nexrad on my GPS). I have not solved the rear canopy leakage problem where the pressure inside is a little lower than outside, mostly because it does not get all the way to my passenger (my wife has not complained).

If you find something better and permanent, I want to know.
Canopy seal

I solved the rear canopy seal problem using a V-seal. I bonded the top half of the V to the canopy. The V faces out and the pressure seals against the fuselage. It works well on the rear, but does not work on the leading edge of the canopy.

Jeff Bertsch
RC Model foam cushion

Hi All
I used rc model foam that is 1/32" thick around front lip of my canopy and 1/8" thick on the canopy rails.
your milage may very
Thanks Dayton, the foam tape works perfectly, had a good breeze blowing on my hands from the canopy leaking. Went to RC store and got 1/16 x 3/8" foam tape for mounting servos, Great Planes # GPMQ4422. 36" for $1.99.

Working on heater system now

Jim Woolf
27HRS 10/16/09