
I'm New Here
My RV-7 sat out in the rain and now I can't start it. I'm convinced allot of rain water flowed down thru the air filter. When I tried to start my IO360, I must have sucked that water into the cylinders. Isn't there a hole to drain water in a case like this? If not, I'm being told to drill a hole. Has this ever happened to anyone, if so, what did you do to clear things out and start the Mo Mo! Thanks, Sky
I had some water pooling after a rain in the scoop on the bottom of my cowl. Never a good thing. Drilled a #30 hole in the low spot of the cowl. See a little oil dripping occasionally, but haven?t had a problem since.

Although yours is in the snorkel, water pooling in the intake can?t be good. Seems like a small hole in the low spot would cure that. Do the plans call for one??

Noticed you are in Grass Valley. If you ever head over to KCXP, look me up. We fly to KAUN and Quincy for breakfast sometimes. Any breakfast in Grass Valley?.
Yes, holes in the filtered air box, inside and outside the filter at the low points is standard.

All RV owners, builders or not, should have a set of drawings and build instructions... available in USB for about $10.

Good luck
Hi Joel, I'm asking the builder that question whether their is a hole to drain any water. If there is maybe it is clogged. I hope to find that answer soon. Where's KCXP? No breakfast at KGOO, its to far from the airport.
Thanks for the info Steve. I'm going to talk to the builder and see what he can tell me. I'm guessing that I don't have a drain hole and when I tried to start injested water into the cylinders. Do you have a suggestion on another way to remove water from the airbox? Do you think the plugs should be taken out and cleaned as well? Thanks again! Sky
Sniffle Valve

Might also consider adding a "sniffle valve" - any liquid in the sump will drip out - water, oil, or gasoline.
