Piper J3

Well Known Member
I flew the wife to breakfast two weeks ago and when she exited the plane she missed the step on the RV-12 and broke her ankle. Yesterday she had surgery to install titanium screws and a plate. Doc says no weight-baring for 3 months. Going to be a LONG summer. She let me sign her cast? :D


Ouch. Sorry to hear about that. I'm trying to shed some weight so I don't snap the poor little thing off.
Its not just getting in and out of the plane. My mechanic has hit his head a few times whilst crawling underneath the plane,

I won't tell you what he said!:D
Oh my...how terrible!

My wife does not have good mobility because of back issues. She loves to fly but seldom does. The few times a year that she does, I use a small step ladder that stands about level with the leading edge of the wing. I also never allow her to enter or exit the plane until I am standing in a position to guide her steps.
Ya, but what did she think about the flight?;)
She worked for Northwest Airlines for 17 years and loves flying. She flew a lot in my Cub and this was her 2nd flight in the 12. I had her use a small kitchen 2-step ladder complete with handrail to get in. Problem was getting out at our destination. Real trooper - she walked into the restaurant and we ate breakfast, climbed back in for flight home, and then straight to the ER.
She worked for Northwest Airlines for 17 years and loves flying. She flew a lot in my Cub and this was her 2nd flight in the 12. I had her use a small kitchen 2-step ladder complete with handrail to get in. Problem was getting out at our destination. Real trooper - she walked into the restaurant and we ate breakfast, climbed back in for flight home, and then straight to the ER.

Good for her! She definitely sounds like a strong woman and you'll have a good chance now to show her how much you care about her. I hope it heals completely and without additional pain.