
Well Known Member
I thought I would share with the VAF Community. Bekah and I left KPAE at 11:00 on Saturday to fly the Cascade Loop. Unknowing to us my wing cam captured video of the slide about 20 minutes after it happened. Probably the first images/video of the slide after it happened. You can see smoke and where it blocked the river. The whole side of the mountain came down. Very Horrible coincidence for us to stumble across. I am very sorry to the people and families impacted by this horrible event. We clearly were flying over prior to the TFR going into effect.

When viewing the Video make sure you view full screen and HD. You can view the Video from my Blog via the link below:



Really devastating.

Coincidences like this happen often. Years ago, early 1980's, I was circling over Virginia City in my SGS 1-26 when a big slide let go on Slide Mountain on the other side of Washoe Valley. I watched as the slide came down and IIRC, it did wipe out several homes.

I also remember talking to friends that were CFI-G's and tow pilots at Sky Sailing in Fremont, CA who happened to be in the air when the Loma Prieta earthquake hit. They came down and landed to find all manor of chaos, asking what the big deal was.

Nothing at all like this slide in Washington, but amazing that things happen on the ground while we are flying.
It is a terrible thing.
Must be so awful for families, and for the rescue folk to be able to do so little despite all their skill and dedication.
Big news all over the world.
Only wish we could help.
i have been watching this as i moved from the area in may of last year and had almost rented a house on route 530 in oso. only reason i didnt is that it was a little to far of a drive into boeing. kind of hits home a little close. my heart goes out to these familys.
When the networks or tv stations call you demand money. I made $25,000 off of two pictures because it was hot news for a few days.
DEMAND MONEY. Dan, lawyer Calif 116636