
I fitted the left wing to fuselage yesterday. Everything went good but I was a little confused about the rear spar bolt. I unfortunatly dont have my drawings here for reference since they are all at he airport, but if I recall correctly its an AN5-10 bolt that is used. The drawing shows to use 3 small washers (cant remember their number) but in the wing attach hardware bag there were also two large AN5 sized washers (more than 1 inch in diameter). If these are not for the rear spar bolt what are they for then? Also included in the bag were two large AN-4 washers, but I know these are for the front spar-to-fuselage joint. Can anybody help with a close up picture of a rear spar to fuselage joint or just describe what washers are used. This is one critical bolt and I want to get it right.

I think this is the same attachment for the RV-7 but Im not sure.
