
Well Known Member
OK, after thoroughly searching the forums, I plan to place a washer as a spacer behind the #3 cylinder to allow more air flow, but I can't for the life of me find where the washer is placed for best effect.
Any help would be much appreciated.
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The washer goes on the screw that holds the Baffel to the engine. It is sandwiched between the Baffel and the engine. Have you flown it yet? If not, You might wait and see what your temps are first.
#3 cly head

The screw is on the back of #3 cylinder head. If you look at the baffles in this area the fins are almost flat, so if you have the baffles hard up against the head no air can get to the lower fins.

If you are still making the baffles you could put in a spacer rather than a washer.



Thanks for the responses! I have not flown yet, but will go ahead and put a washer where the screw attaches on the back of #3 cylinder, as the baffles are pretty much complete.
Thanks again.