
Well Known Member
Fellow forum members:

About a week ago I posted about a lost tool that I found at Oshkosh:


Well, having had no luck locating the proper owner after posting here and other forums and contacting the vendor, and after discussions with DR and others, I have decided to raffle the mystery tool off. And, I am going to try to turn it into a charity fund raiser in the process, so here goes:

The mystery tool is an Avery Tools model 1310 Heavy Duty Rivet Cutter, still in the plastic bag. Normally $49.00, currently on sale for $36.99.


We will start the bidding at $1. Highest bid gets the tool. I will cover the cost of shipping it to you, and 100% of the proceeds will be donated to charity.

Now, here's where you all come in. I will match the amount of the winning bid, up to the current Avery price, to add to the donation. Doug has agreed to do the same. And we hereby challenge everyone on this forum to do likewise.

To make a bid, simply post on this thread with the amount of your bid. The auction will be kept open for a few days to give everyone time to respond. To add your name to the "matching funds" list, likewise simply post on this thread. We will use the thread to keep track of bids and donations.

For the recipient charity, we have decided on the National Foundation for Transplants, www.transplants.org. The organization is set up to raise money for people in need of life-saving transplants, who cannot afford the cost. Many of you probably first heard about this organization several years ago with the story of Laurie Haynes-Arguello. Laurie is the daughter of Captain Al Haynes of United Flight 232. Laurie was diagnosed with a form of leukemia (aplastic anemia) and required a bone marrow transplant to survive. Through the NFT the money was raised to cover her transplant.

More on the story here:


On a personal level, at about the same time that Laurie's story became widely known, I had the good fortune to be selected as an unrelated marrow donor for a 16 year old kid from Pennylvania with aplastic anemia, the same disease that Laurie had. That transplant was a success, and he is doing well today.

While I'm on the soapbox, might as well make a plug for bone marrow donation. I encourage everyone to donate blood, and also to be tested and typed for bone marrow donation. More info on that here: http://www.marrow.org/

But I digress. The point of this is to raise as much as possible, to be donated to the NFT. As many of you know, Bob and Judy Avery of Avery tools lost their grandson Julian to cancer last year. So, I would like to donate all of the money raised to the NFT in the name of Julian Avery and VAF.

So, let the bidding begin. Open up those wallets, it's for a good cause.
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Thread bump

Just a bump to move this up. I'll keep it open for anther couple of days.

Come on guys, over 800 views and no donations? Pry open those wallets!
What the heck

I already have one, but what a great cause, U Da Man, Jeff, put me down for $100................

Funny, I noticed the lack of all the regular philosophers and long posters here on this thread........come on, you know who you are, I challenge you, cough it up, and top my amount......................

I will mail, free of charge, one of my brass Van's belt buckles (see link below) to the first person, regardless if you end up the highest bidder, who passes up my bid.....................

Your On Mike.......

.........my $100 goes in too. Lets get some others to pitch in and get that tool.
Update on charity auction

Fellow forum members,

Sorry for my absence for the last few days, but I was on vacation in a place with very poor internet service (which is part of it's charm.) I am back now and will respond to all emails/ PMs in a timely manner.

The high bidder so far is Mike63 at $110. This is a very generous offer which is worth much more than the retail price of the prize. I will keep the auction open until tomorrow night.

Anyone who wants to outbid Mike can simply reply on this thread.

Anyone who wants to make a donation, but not bid on the tool, can contact me via email or private message. Donations can be made via Paypal to my email at jpoint at mindspring doht com. Donations will be accepted for a couple of days after the auction closes to give everyone time.

As a reminder- the original challenge was for everyone to match the winning bid, up to the purchase price ($36.99) so don't feel like you have to match the $110 (or more) winning bid. This includes those whose bids were outbid. Any dollar amount will be appreciated and helpful.

Thanks again for your generosity.
The auction is closed...

...and we have a winner. Mike63 was the high bidder at $110. Congratulations Mike, and please send me a PM with your info so I can ship the prize to you.

Thanks to everyone else who made a donation. I will accept donations through the end of this weekend, and I will post the total amount raised on Monday.
Thanks Jeff

Folks, here is proof that a thread doesnt always have to be RV related.

Just goes to show that allowing a bit of flexibility (I.E. discretion of moderators) in the posting rules is a wise thing.

Still, no cell phone ads, or as Doug would say, "your toast".
The final total...

...was $350. The check was sent out to the National Foundation for Transplants today. Thanks again to Mike Spoon, the winning bidder, and everyone else who contributed.

thanks Jeff, fed-ex was here I now have a drdt2, a rivet cutter and a tail kit now if I can only get my office out of my garage and my isham tool kit (only $600 short it wont be long now)