Larry DeCamp

Well Known Member
I submitted a copy of my KIT bill of sale to Registry WITH Vans’s notarized acceptance of my purchase from original kit buyer. The purpose was to allow Vans to sell me parts to finish the airplane.
My registry application was rejected because I submitted a COPY of the original owners bill-of sale BECAUSE Vans received the original to validate (notarized) my ownership of the kit.
So, I sent ink signed Bill of Sale from original kit owner to FAA Registry.

I get a letter from LEGAL INSTRUMENTS EXAMINER that they need a document validating the original kit purchase from Vans. This makes some sense so that Fake Aircraft LLC can’t validate a kit sale for a stolen airplane or kit? Fortunately, I had the original copy of the Vans agreement with original purchaser. That said, FAA call center assures me a copy, not the original, is satisfactory to finish this registration.

Apparently, for kits changing hands before an AIRCRAFT is registered, the FAA requires ink signed proof of every KIT/PROJECT SALE transaction from kit builder to registration applicant. This implies they DO NOT recognize Vans transfer of ownership of a kit serial number as proof of ownership in the chain.
Could this mean that a kit purchased from a deceased owner with no chain of ownership is effectively never able to be registered as an airplane? Is there any possible workaround if one of the kits is purchased directly from Vans?

Edit: my understanding is that when you buy the last kit, i.e. a finish kit, Vans can issue a bill of sale that is equivalent to them having sold you the whole thing directly. I may have misunderstood.
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Could this mean that a kit purchased from a deceased owner with no chain of ownership is effectively never able to be registered as an airplane? Is there any possible workaround if one of the kits is purchased directly from Vans?
And to add to that inquiry, how far back does Vans record of kit sales extend? I know of a partially assembled kit that was originally purchased by the builder 25+ years ago and will most likely need to change hands at some point. Can a purchaser get a bill of sale from Vans for this legacy kit so the completed project can be registered?

Mel or Ironflight????
Apparently, for kits changing hands before an AIRCRAFT is registered, the FAA requires ink signed proof of every KIT/PROJECT SALE transaction from kit builder to registration applicant. This implies they DO NOT recognize Vans transfer of ownership of a kit serial number as proof of ownership in the chain.

I purchased a completed tail kit 11 years ago, sent all the paperwork to Van's when I did that and bought the rest of the kits from them. Requested and received the official kit bill of sale earlier this year and just got the completed registration last week.

Did the first builder buy all the kits and get the bill of sale before you purchased?
I purchased a completed tail kit 11 years ago, sent all the paperwork to Van's when I did that and bought the rest of the kits from them. Requested and received the official kit bill of sale earlier this year and just got the completed registration last week.

Did the first builder buy all the kits and get the bill of sale before you purchased?
Yes. NO problem with vans. FAA does not consider Vans docs as proof of ownership.
Does Vans have any guidance for how to resolve this issue?

Resolving things....maybe not, since tracing the entire ownership chain of a used kit is a bit outside of their sandbox. Here's what they do say about buying a "second-hand" kit:

Scroll down to the "Paperwork" section.