EngineBridge WiFi Pmag Controller

If you are asking about the EngineBridge Pmag Controller go to this Link and scroll down to Post Number 12.


I have used it for a several months now. The connection is rock solid and it does exactly what it is supposed to do. I like it a lot and I highly recommend it.
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Thanks. Great info.

Just wondering did you guys modify the standard curves and did it improve performance?
I have the Engine Bridge. I have one of the first of the new modles that uses WiFi. It works fine for adjusting the limits. The mag tempature readings are worthless, but I think that is the P-Mag, and not the controler.

The controler does not modify the curve, it just sets the limmits. I have seen times where it is reporting a higher advance angle that the limmit I have set. Again, by guess is that thi is a P-mag issue and not a controler issue.

I am happy ith it, and would install it again.