
Well Known Member
Kevin, a member of this very forum, graciously offered his custom ferry tank to me free of charge. The catch is I have to pay shipping from OR to NJ. I had a reasonable amount in my head but when Kevin asked a shipping company for a quote they stated an equivalent of 44 gallons of avgas :eek: For weight of 15 pounds and the dimensions rounded to 44"x30"x20" it's kind of steep. For me at least :D

I need this tank for one trip this summer and would gladly give it away to next long hauler for free. I am looking for somebody who goes to S-n-F from Oregon and can bring this tank to FL. I plan to be there on April 5th.
Or give the tank a ride to Ohio somewhere near Dayton I will be in the Museum early May. Or anywhere within 3-5 RV hours from New York City.

This is how the tank looks. Weighs 15 pounds let me know if somebody goes East with empty baggage compartment. Dinner on me :D

Didn't want to abbreviate it's a family site :D

Vlad when you get it rigged etc, post some pics. There are likely lots of us that would love to pull off monster leg one day. Seeing how you do it and how it works is of great interest.
ferry tank

Thats pretty cool looking. How many gallons does it hold? (did I miss that info somewhere?)
Which side is the forward facing side?

Thats pretty cool looking. How many gallons does it hold? (did I miss that info somewhere?)
Which side is the forward facing side?


It holds 18 gallons, fits on the passenger seat and has indentation for seat belts. I will post other views tonight.

WHAT DID HE SAY??????????

Gary, I think you need to collect a dinner from Vlad :D

It happens very rare if it does it's usually a cheap breakfast at an EAA chapter...
Couple other views of the tank for those interested. I hope Kevin don't mind posting them. It contains 18 gallons, good old proseal-and-rivet technique :)


Price it on Delta Airlines freight Vansaircraft could save builders a lot of money on shipping if they sent a truck to Delta and shipped finishing kits and slow build package crates through Delta and builders picked it up at Delta terminal.
Not True

It happens very rare if it does it's usually a cheap breakfast at an EAA chapter...

Not true Vlad.......you bought me great meal at Grioli's at HWY! I know why
Vlad likes free meals.....they always seem to taste better:D
Installed Yet?

Hi Vlad,

You got this hooked up yet?

Friend here in Kenai (Yellow RV-6A/C-46 Commando driver), is going to loan me his turtle tank for a trip down South.

Says it is plumbed with a pump to refill the right side tank. Holds 18-gallons standing up, or 21 gallons laying flat. No venting as it is a "soft" shell that collapses as it is emptied.

He uses it in his RV-6A.

Best regards,
Mike Bauer