
Well Known Member
Smokey, my RV-9A, suffered soot ingestion into its innards. Cleaning soot out of the inside of wings and tail surfaces would probably involve drilling out lots of rivets to get access to the soot, not to mention the cabin area. Don't yet know about under the floorboards or behind the panel.

The local shop will generate a repair estimate next week. One possibility for reducing cost might be to replace, not repair, major RV-9 assemblies (wings, tail, maybe even the slider fuselage) from an abandoned project. (New parts from Van's are nine months out...)

Excellent workmanship is a must, and should be attested by a third party. (Too many of us over-estimate our workmanship). Corrosion proofing is a plus.

Or if you know of anything else that I might consider, please let me know.

Thanks in advance, and I hope that none of you have to go through this kind of exercise.