andrew phillips

Well Known Member
Looking for the lycoming power chart for a 180 HP IO-360 w/ C/S. I'm sure I saw it in the forums at one time but my search today has proved fruitless.

I like to use fuel flow to determine HP. It doesn't matter if the prop is fixed pitch or constant speed.

The BSFC of any Lycoming is about .435 pounds of fuel burn per hour per HP.

So if the engine is burning 8 gph figure 6 pounds per gallon which is 48 pounds of fuel burned per hour.

In this case divide 48 pounds by .435 and you are producing about 110 HP.

The number probably is not perfect but it sure is in the ball park. Do the math and make a chart.

6 gallons per hour = 82.8 HP
12 gallons per hour = 165.6 HP
14 gallons per hour = 193.1 HP

This assumes proper leaning which of course you should not do at more than 75% power which will result in a much higher burn rate at take off and initial climb power than the formula indicates.

I have the formula set up on a spread sheet and all I do is plug in the burn and up comes the HP. The percent of HP can also be calculated at the same time if that is important. With 180 Hp engine, 9.8 gph is about 75%.



I'm guessing here... Base Standard Fuel Consumption (?) How close am I?

A selection of various engines data is here - this is specifcally for the GRT engine maps, but you should be able to extract the information you want. My FADEC is a parrellel valve, vertical induction, fuel injected 8.5 180hp - so should be close to what you want (assuming I read the charts right!)

