
Well Known Member
If there is a -7/7A builder in the Austin area with an unstarted or partially completed Left fuel tank, I got a favor to ask.

I'm having a heck of a time trouble shooting a fuel sender problem on my left tank. The wing is on the plane and the left sender (float type) won't budge off empty when I put fuel in the tank. The fuel sender arm is bent to Van's spec's but I can not verify the geometry of the arm and float when it's installed in the tank.

If someone has a partially completed tank or unstarted -7 tank, I'd like to check the geometry of my sender so I can get an idea about what's going on inside the tank.

Alternatively, if you got a left fuel sender that you know as the correct geometry (i.e. arm length and bend angle), I'd like to compare my sender to yours.

Contact me at 512-944-7995 or raronow @ sbcgloal.net Thanks.
Rick, I'm pretty sure the -8 and -7 tanks are almost exactly the same. In which case I have tanks in precisely the stage you are looking for right now.
Thanks Scott

I just want to follow up with a public thanks to Scott. His partially assembled -8 tank was exactly what I was hoping to find.

However, I'm more stumped now then ever. I could not see any thing wrong with my sender - it fits exactly like Scott's.
I'm having a heck of a time trouble shooting a fuel sender problem on my left tank. The wing is on the plane and the left sender (float type) won't budge off empty when I put fuel in the tank. The fuel sender arm is bent to Van's spec's but I can not verify the geometry of the arm and float when it's installed in the tank.

This is a classic symptom of a bad ground connection between the body of the sender and airframe ground. That would be the first place to start.
Hook the sender wire to the sender, and then connect a ground jumper between the sender body and airframe ground. Power up the airplane, move the sender float arm and see if the gauge indication changes.