
Well Known Member
Could someone on the forum let me borrow the adjustment tool for a SIRS Navigator compass? I bought one(compass) used off the forum some years ago and can't locate the adjustment tool that should have come with it. I need to adjust mine which I use as a backup to my GRT Sport. PM me if you have one you may lend.


Mike: in the past, instead of a brass or plastic screwdriver I've used a shortened tie wrap with the end shortened and tapered to the shape of a standard screwdriver, successfully. If your adjustment screws are the typical standard head brass screws.
I have made the tool in the past, couple inches of brazing rod, bend a half inch or so of one end at 90* to make a handle (like an Allen wrench), file a wedge in the other end to fit the screw slot.

I believe the SIRS compass uses a totally different key than your normal compass. A red plastic ?keyed wrench?. I may be able to find you one if you don?t need it immediately. Let me know..send PM if needed.
Yes, the fine folks at SIRS wanted to ensure their profit margins would never erode, so they made little triangular shaped heads on the adjustment screws. And now we get screwed whenever we lose the adjustment tool! Just make sure you're sitting down when you get a quote for a new one.

If ever there was a case for 3D printed tools, THIS is the one to start with. SIRS adjustment tools are a huge ripoff.

(I keep mine taped to the inside surface of the lid of my big roller toolbox so it won't get lost, and it's got a big loop of lacing cord tied to it and a cardboard flag on the lacing cord. No way I want to pay for another one of these things!).

You might want to try taking a stick of plastic (something like a sprue from an aircraft model kit) and getting it warm with a bbq lighter, then pushing it onto the adjustment screw. This might allow the plastic to mold itself to the triangular shape of the adjustment screw.
I lost mine and made one for the -10, but don't remember what I used. It was made of plastic. I know its of no help but look around and find something easily modified to fit ,. IIRC, the adjustment screw had a triangular shaped post?
What timing! I just went flying in a buddy's 182 today - he has a SIRS compass and needed to borrow my triangluar key to adjust it.

I am in the middle of 3D printing some prototypes, reverse-engineered from my key. I'll let you all know if I come up with one that works.

Unfortunately it?s in reverse, like a 3 sided socket:mad:. And tiny, about 1.5 mm per side.
I am in the middle of 3D printing some prototypes, reverse-engineered from my key. I'll let you all know if I come up with one that works.

No luck yet. Nozzle size on my printer, at 0.4mm, might be too large to get the resolution necessary on such a small tool.
Easy solution

Try some 1/8" heat shrink tubing on a small triangle file taper end. The end that tapers to almost nothing.

If you cut pieces about 1 1/4" long you will quiclkly make one just the right size to adjust the SIRS with. After you shrink about 1/2 inch onto the tip of the file, wiggle and remove the file. You will have a perfect triangular socket.

I have made these a few times for myself and others.

You can even use red heat shrink tube so they look like original equipment.
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