
Well Known Member
I thought the Alternative Engine forum needed a trip report of its own! So here goes:

My son and I flew our RV9 / WAM 120 diesel down the Baja to Loreto, Mexico last weekend. On the way, the hobbs turned over 400 hours! We're now at 408 trouble free, zero problem, fuel saving, cheap flying hours. The engine performs today the same as it did when it was new. I couldn't be happier with it. This is my third trip to Mexico, so you can see I've got confidence in this engine... One of the WAM RV9A's in the UK has over 630 hours, so mine's not the highest time.

Now, the trip: We left Friday early, fueled and cleared customs in San Felipe. The Mexican government puts you through a lot of paperwork, but it's not hard as long as you're patient. There were several planes flying south. My diesel RV9 was declared the "king of the ramp" by the linemen. I was proud!

Approaching San Felipe. Not nearly as green here.

Another three hours flying to Loreto. It was beautiful there. We couldn't believe how green it was there. We rented a car and drove up into the mountains to the tiny mission village of San Javier. This mission was started in 1699. We saw parts of the original stone aqueduct the missionaries built 300 years ago to carry water to their gardens. We also saw an olive tree planted at the same time - still alive!

Ty and I taxiing to 34 to depart MMLT. We had a lot of fun for only one day in Loreto. Perfect temps, warm water, beautiful scenery, GREAT fish tacos!

Approaching Calexico to clear US customs. There were lots of planes there, most waiting for fuel after clearing customs. Clearing is easy in the US! We didn't need fuel, having only burned 55 gal for the whole trip!

A shot of the plane on a previous trip to Mulege, just north of Loreto.

Kurt Goodfellow
RV9/WAM 120 Turbodiesel
Awesome, on multiple levels!

Thanks for the inspiration; I'm getting back to work on that intake manifold.

-7, Renesis in process
Very cool

Nice trip report,

Sounds like a neat engine.

We need more GA to fly south to keep these spots open. Alfonsinas beach runway is still closed. I heard it was a 700$ annual fee to keep it open. If enough pilots visit I'm sure the hotel and restaurant would pony up.
Trip reports are one of my favorite features on VAF. Seeing others flying to fun places in AWESOME airplanes makes my day every time. Can't wait to get my bird in the air and start motivating others with my adventures... soon... someday... maybe... 6.5 years and counting... RV9A almost ready to start the engine.