Dayton Murdock

Well Known Member
Hi All
On Feb 12th I had to put my Black Lab Walter to sleep. With out a doubt he was a best friend to me. This pass week has been a rollercoaster of emotions for me. I received support from the RV community (you know who you are) and I want to recognize them and Thank Them for letting me grieve to them. RVatators are a special group of people that I am thankful to have in my life

Walter was a Calendar Dog 2010
I feel your pain;
Our scruffy little Jack Russell "Rivet" is about 14 years old.
He started walking in circles to the right. Marilyn is taking him to the vet today.
Hard of hearing, can't see well, gets lost.
When he was lost, we got a taste of what's to come. It wasn't fun.:(
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They always work their way into our hearts and break them wide open when they leave us..:(

Very Sorry

I'm very sorry for your loss. There is no easy way to handle the loss of a pet. I lost my little dog a couple of years ago. I still have moments.

Hang in there. It gets better but takes time.
Wow Dayton, really sorry to hear that. It is tough to get over. We lost our airedale, pepper three years back. She was a companion during the build of my -8, and stayed through fumes, riveting etc.

I just know how you feel.

You have my condolences. My wife and I had to put our 12 year old Sheltie down last year after cancer got the best of her. She was a real sweetheart of a dog in every respect and I still miss her. Your loss is real and I'm sympathize with your pain.
Louise and I both feel for you Dayton - we've both experienced this type of loss, and it is never easy. It sounds like Walter was a great friend for you.

So sorry to hear of your loss, Dayton. Those who are not "dog people" may have a hard time appreciating the depth of the bond and love that exists between us and these wonderful creatures. Those who are, truly know what you're going through, and wish you well during this difficult time.
Walter Hunting

This is Walter last season, He was the best, My son and I will miss him.
Thank You for all of your well wishes and condolences
So sorry for the loss of your buddy. The wife and I are dealing with the same kind of issue right now with our Big Black Dog ... black Lab/pointer mix. She'll be 15 in 3 months and has been really slowing down ... been stone deaf for about 2 years. Two weeks ago today she had a stroke that knocked her down hard for almost a week. Now that sweet lovable mutt has recovered remarkably, and is back to eating and wagging her tail when we come in the room. Dogs are one of God's best ideas ever ... :)
Even not knowing you, Dayton, your loss strikes me; when I lost my perfect, young chocolate lab seven years ago, I learned to be a better person to those around me, because I recognized in missing her how blessed I am by everyone in my life. I hope my sons learn the same lesson from caring for the two black labs we raise now. Our animals will do that for us if we let them. Humanity is better when it's shared beyond just humans.

They always work their way into our hearts and break them wide open when they leave us..:(


Never a more truer word spoken.

I thought I would never get over the death of Levis our Doberman cross. Five years on and I have three dogs now. All of them give me motivation, calm me down and the love trust they exude, well it cannot be described.

We were given another dog a few days after Levis died. Snoop has been a family member for nearly five years now and although the quietest of our three he is the only one to show me the greyhound smile.

You will never forget Walter. He will always be in in your heart. Get a Walter II as soon as possible Dayton. He or she will replace Walter but not totally as there will always be a part of him in your heart.
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More than most breeds, Labs want so badly to always please us. They are such loving and loyal dogs, and it makes them very special. Of course, it also makes them so hard to lose. Right now mine is squeaking like a demented mouse at the back door to be let out, so I'd better go! My sincere sympathies (and understanding) for your loss.

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