
Well Known Member
Just a huge public thank you to Walt for all the help this past weekend.

I flew my RV-7 to 52F to have Walt balance my prop (wow what a difference) and do the IFR certification. What an absolute pleasure to work with, I couldn't be more happy with the results. Walt gave my plane a good look over and helped me close-out some other issues I was having; he even let me park in his hanger for two nights!

I highly recommend him for any of the services he provides. Thanks again Walt, you rock!:D
Thanks Jeremy I appreciate your kind words and your business. I really enjoyed visiting and working with you on your aircraft as well, your passion for aviation is exhilarating and clearly apparent in the super high quality aircraft you built, you should be very proud! I know letting a total stranger fondle your new "baby" for the first time is tough to watch, but you did good :D
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