Well Known Member
Just wanted to throw out a plug for the A&P services of Mr. Brian Wallis - VAF moderator, Blackhawk crew chief vet, A&P IA, small business owner, RV-3 driver, temporary free vinyl sticker giver-awayer, and all around heck of a nice guy. He recently helped me with an owner-assisted annual, and I give him my highest recommendation. Brian was extremely flexible in working around my schedule and we were able to get a lot done over the span of two days. I also had him dynamically balance my prop and we got it down from .98 IPS to .04. With another run (we went from .98 to .04 in one shot) we could have gotten it a smidge lower, but I was happy with the results and didn?t want to keep running the plane up to 2300 RPM at midnight in an airpark ? probably not the best way to make friends with the neighbors. Anyhow, if you?re in the Southeast and need some work done (pre-buys, condition inspections, W&B, prop balancing, etc...) Brian is certainly one to keep in mind.

I'll echo the praise that Ryan has given Brian. Brian is as good as there is and so easy to work with. He can fly a RV3 pretty good too!!!!
Good photographer

I will echo that Brian is a good guy. Darn good photographer too. I have seen some of his air to air work and it is first rate all the way.