
Well Known Member
Any one have a sample WA checklist they use , that they would care to share. ie a card stock you could give to a total newbie and let them practice. Thanks.
Hi John,

Read as little or much as you want. Or read nothing at all. It’s simply a shared resource that I put it together after I bought my RV-4 and couldn’t find a single reference for how to fly or teach someone how to fly the airplanes. The table of contents is hyperlinked, and the Appendixes and briefings are stand alone; so there is some redundancy. The title explains that it includes a syllabus and program management stuff for folks that are pursuing a LODA or conducting transition training. A couple of chapters, normal and emergency procedures are designed for folks that don’t have a POH, as there is no requirement for a POH for experimental aircraft. Appendix C is nine pages long and the equivalent of old-fashioned pilot’s notes. Not all of it is applicable or of interest to everyone, but I will occasionally cite it here in the safety section if I think it might be useful for someone or answer a question. I had some great help by folks in the RV community writing and editing it; and I throughly plagiarized Van with his permission. It can be downloaded by any RV’er at no cost. It’s not updated as frequently as I’d like, so we can always use an assist if you’d like to help out.


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