Robert Anglin

Well Known Member
We just got home from a Wake foot ball game and had a nice thing happen at the beginning of the Game. A flight of about 6 RV's and one Yack opened the game with a fly by and a break-left to circle over the stadium. I wonder if the guys from Gold Hill know anything about this. Nice job even with the bad weather. Yours, R.E.A. III #80888
That was the "Bandit Flight Team". We do National Anthem flyovers for all the NC State home football games, a number of NASCAR events, some NFL games, military veteran events, other public service events.

We have a total of 12 pilots flying various models of RV's and two Yaks. A maximum of six aircraft will fly a formation flyover. We also have 3 "ground controllers", one of which is required at each precise-timed event.

You can do a google search and find their website.

Thanks for the reply. It was nice to see a good flight come to visit. I will send you a P.M. Now that I know it was not the Gold hill guys. Looking forward to seeing you in October as well.
Yours, R.E.A. III #80888