
Active Member
I just noticed my wing kit that said assigned to crating a couple days ago now shows crating window October-November. Anyone else see this as well?
My crating window shifted from Sept 28, 2022 thru Jan 4, 2023 to Sept 28, 2022 thru Jun 4, 2023. I am hoping for a typo. Need to call Mothership.
Huge delay

My crating window for wings had just passed. August 19. Now it has been changed to sometime in Dec.
What is going on at Vans's?
Seems like something huge must have happened to cause such a swing.
Our fuselage kit was also delayed to spring of next year.
Interesting how we have to pay on time or risk losing our place. But now we're paid up 3 months in advance. I could use that money for AVGAS. Ha.
There’s a thread on the -8 forum that Greg has replied too. Looks like they have had issues with some outsourced parts and manufacturing.
July-August now October-December???

My crating window was also just pushed for a second time by 2 more months.
Add me to the list of people that had their window pushed by two months. Assumed that final payment was taken knowing that they could deliver. I Had really hoped supply chain issues were getting better.
Received an update from Vans as I was typing my reply. Appreciate the option to hold my money until they are ready to deliver.

“ Due to a number of unanticipated internal and external manufacturing delays associated with critical components for your kit, we've had to extend your estimated kit crating schedule. Delays related to materials acquisition, the resulting manufacturing impacts, and delays with some third-party manufacturers have combined to slow the completion of your kit. This change is reflected in the new dates displayed below.

In anticipation of your upcoming crating window we previously requested - and you submitted - your final payment. Due to this unplanned delay, we would like to offer you the option of receiving a refund of your final payment amount until we get closer to crating your kit. Should you choose to receive that payment refund we will maintain your 25% deposit on the order and will maintain your place in line and we will reach out to you regarding final payments when we get closer to your new estimated crating schedule and have the critical parts required to pack your kit.”
Back to the original date

I recieved the same message this morning. Crating of fuse kit was scheduled for Sept 9 - Sept 26, now Feb 6 - Mar 20.
That puts it back to what I was originally expecting when I placed the order last Feb.

Looks like I'll have some time on my hands after I'm finished with the Emp kit
Ridiculous estimated window for crating

My crating window shifted from Sept 28, 2022 thru Jan 4, 2023 to Sept 28, 2022 thru Jun 4, 2023. I am hoping for a typo. Need to call Mothership.

Same here and I sent an email on the 24th pleading with them to tell me it was a typo. That's an extremely broad & essentially meaningless window. No answer, yet, and I'll call if a week goes by.

edit: Is yours a QB and did you also get the email with the great news that your kit(s) had moved from parts shipped to QB being assembled? Such news doesn't jive with extending the crating window by 5 months!
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Global shipping

I will say that in a variety of industries, the global shipping is still challenging. Both ocean containers and truck freight. It has gotten a little bit better from what I hear from our vendors, but it is still challenging.

The other challenge is that when the container does finally reach the states, it is unknown how long it may sit at the port before it is released and finally put on a truck.

I would imagine that Van's is suffering from similar challenges.
Wings on the way

I got an email from ABF yesterday showing my wing kit has been picked up at Vans.
This is one week after the big announcement that the lead time had been extended by 3 months.
I have no idea why, but am so glad.
Anyone else with this good fortune?
Just got the coveted email that my crate is ready to be picked up by ABF. There were a few things on back order that will Have to be shipped on a later date but at least I can get working again. My original crating dates passed about a month ago just for reference.
Same email about a month ago stating the delay. To my surprise, the wings and fuse for my -10 were dropped off a few days ago. Not quite sure what Vans did to remedy their issue but, they sure did it lickity split.