
I have finished all the brake and fuel lines that I have parts for, (fuel filter and pump due in about a week) and am expecting my finish kit in about 2 weeks. Interior paint is finished, aft deck is prepped and ready to rivet, gear drilled but not mounted.

Did some info gathering at Osh for avionics, lighting, upholstery but am getting to the point (like several of the posters on here) of figuring out what to tackle next and in what order. Sounds like getting all the fiberglass done (with canopy) and pulling wire should be next. Always willing to take advice from those that have been there....

Free space in my shop is non-existent now, and am hoping to build some large shelves in my basement workshop before the finish kit arrives.

Does anyone know the rough "out of the crate" dimensions of the canopy and IO-360 (horizontal) engine cowlings? Those are the biggest items I can think of that are in the kit and I want to ensure I have adequate shelf spacing.

whelp, very roughly throwing a tape on the completed
pieces in the garage and trying to guess how much i chopped off

canopy 96”x36”x36”

top cowl 38”x38”x16”
bottom 38”x38”x20”

I imagine Van’s could give you exact pretty quickly.

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