I ordered my all the RV-10 slow build kits back in August 2021. At that time, the listed delay for the empennage kit was four months. I was expecting something in December 2021 (even communication of ETA would have been welcome). After waiting patiently for almost 6 weeks from the message from Van's on delays (12/22/2021), still nothing has been communicated to me. My KitStatus page still shows "Parts being Produced".

With even a small idea that kits are heading out the door, and when those kits were ordered, it would at least give an idea how long it may be, and probably help with the wait.

Perhaps it would be possible to crowd source the state of the delays for the first kit as what the RV-14 folks are doing (and perhaps the most anticipated kit as we are unable to do anything while waiting).

For those of you who ordered your RV-10 empennage kit in 2021, would you mind posting the date of your order, when/if it was shipped, or if not shipped, what the KitStatus page shows.

No doubt Van's is doing their absolute best to get their production system up to speed and trying to get the same from their subcontractors.

To start:

I ordered empennage 8/18/21 - KitStatus => Parts Being Produced
I ordered my RV-9 empennage during Oshkosh. I suspect the aluminum for my kit is still in beer cans on a convenience store shelf. :)
I ordered my -10 empennage and wing kits in October. At that time the lead times were 6 and 8 months respectively. I noticed that the latest lead time update from Van's has these out to 9 and 11 months. I'm seriously considering firing off my fuselage order as well.

BTW - I'm not far from Frontier; just moved to Marysville.
I am just behind you. I ordered my Emp Kit beginning of September with the same status on my kit.

I ordered empennage 9/8/21 - KitStatus => Parts Being Produced

On the delay post, we were promised an update on kit status. I am still hoping that happens sooner rather than later. I do have some other things going on in life that would be easier to plan around, if I had a rough timetable. Even what quarter would be helpful!

We expect to issue revised lead times for most “standard-build” kits currently on order in the coming weeks. Unfortunately, this means that in some cases we will need to revise the estimated delivery timeframes for customers to whom we had previously communicated a date. Once we have concluded this planning process, we will communicate information about pending kit orders with each customer.

We fully understand this is not what those of you currently waiting on kits are hoping to hear. It’s certainly not the news we wish to be communicating. Please know that our team is hard at work on this, and we look forward to sharing more detailed information about your kit order soon. In addition, we are committed to providing information updates to customers. Regular communications will take place on at least a bi-weekly basis beginning next week.
RV-8 Empanage Delivery Date?

I have a friend who ordered an RV-8 Emp kit in early July and still hasn't seen or heard anything. Same for me as I ordered an RV-8 finish kit about a week later.
Just looked at the website lead time page and RV-8 emp kits are out 1 more month (to 9 months) from the last time I looked about a month ago, and the other kits are now 11 months.

When I ordered my finish kit, lead time was 6 months, so I suspect it'll be April-June time frame before it's delivered. Fortunately I still have lots to do before I REALLY need it (maybe I shouldn't say that out loud....)

Same boat as you, ordered my emp for the 10 sometime in August, I want to say the 22nd. Still no word, and Parts being produced.
Ordered Empennage and Wings 8/31/21. Not a peep about either.

ETA Quoted at order
-4 months for Empennage (Expected arrival - New Years)
-7 months for wings (Expected arrival - April 1st)

Both shows parts being produced and I had email kit orders something last week and they still have not replied. I really wish the more timely updated would come sooner than later. I'd almost prefer a working list that shows how many kits are before me or something.
I ordered RV-10 empennage early June 2021. Posted lead time on that date was four months, expected crating in September. Was told in September it would be November. Then told December. In December, I was told that they really don't have any idea.
Current status is Parts being Produced.

This thread will be more useful if we get posts from people who have received kits in the last couple of months.
I ordered RV-10 empennage early June 2021. Posted lead time on that date was four months, expected crating in September. Was told in September it would be November. Then told December. In December, I was told that they really don't have any idea.
Current status is Parts being Produced.

This thread will be more useful if we get posts from people who have received kits in the last couple of months.

This whole situation is quite disappointing. The fact that Van's has gone dark in regard to communications after promising biweekly communications is also troubling.
I had emailed the kit team last week and they responded today. Apparently there is a team working on assigning dates to all pending orders. Not sure how they are doing this, but assuming they are looking at inventory and production capacity. Still not ETA though on my kits.
Has anyone gotten anything recently?

My Wing kit was ordered in March I believe and is in crating as of Monday. Crating expected to complete by the end of next week and I'll be picking it up via will call.

Edit: validated the date they took my deposit was 3/30. Order was sent in a couple weeks prior.
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Ordered Kit in June 2021, was told in November when I inquired if I paid the balance kit would move into crating. Confirmed last week that kit is not in crating and have no estimate as of yet. They gave me a link to the kit status/order page but it doesn't show anything.

Where are you guys seeing that "parts are being produced"
Ordered Kit in June 2021, was told in November when I inquired if I paid the balance kit would move into crating. Confirmed last week that kit is not in crating and have no estimate as of yet. They gave me a link to the kit status/order page but it doesn't show anything.

Where are you guys seeing that "parts are being produced"

For status, go here: https://www.vansaircraft.com/kitstatus/

That will show status for all you individual kits (if you have more than one). All my kits are "Parts Being Produced".

I also was contacted in November to pay in full my empennage and was told it would be sent to crating for my originally expected December pick up date (I'm getting via will-call).

As with you, I asked Vans in December and they said they now have no idea when the kit will be ready.

In regards to my comment about non-existent communications, why can't Greg Hughes or whoever is running the team provide a mass email for all the unscheduled kits with a bi-weekly update such as we are 30% thru the list etc, or thru all orders placed before XX/XX/2021. Now THAT would be something, and would perhaps eliminate the multiple daily calls/emails asking for the smallest of slivers of information and we would know we haven't been forgotten. We definitely don't need to get "in their business" to slow them down, but really, how long would a high level update on their progress really take them.
Ordered Kit in June 2021, was told in November when I inquired if I paid the balance kit would move into crating. Confirmed last week that kit is not in crating and have no estimate as of yet. They gave me a link to the kit status/order page but it doesn't show anything.

Where are you guys seeing that "parts are being produced"

See image for what is displaying on the order status page.


  • OrderStatus.jpg
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Has anyone gotten anything recently?

There is someone I know who said they ordered emp along with QB wing and QB fuse in April and they received their emp (shipped and received in WA not will call) this week.
For status, go here:
In regards to my comment about non-existent communications, why can't Greg Hughes or whoever is running the team provide a mass email for all the unscheduled kits with a bi-weekly update such as we are 30% thru the list etc, or thru all orders placed before XX/XX/2021. Now THAT would be something, and would perhaps eliminate the multiple daily calls/emails asking for the smallest of slivers of information and we would know we haven't been forgotten. We definitely don't need to get "in their business" to slow them down, but really, how long would a high level update on their progress really take them.

I spoke with Greg, he explained that the situation is way more complicated. VANs depends on their sub-contractors who are unable to provide ETA due to many various reasons one of which is lack of staff. Despite they now expanding the capacity of their production the bottle neck are sub-contractors who are one of the main reasons for delays in our kits delivery :(

Sure you may ask - why not to change sub-contractor - problem is that it will take even longer to get quality aviation product which will pass VANs QA. I remember story with RV10 landing gear mounts when all orders (including my) where delayed because of the quality of welding by experienced contractor. QA is the king.

I wish VANs can provide all of us with bi weekly updates but my guess is that these updates will look the same as in quoted above web link for order status page.

Greg said in his video that they will keep updating and communicating so I am sure they will update all of us as soon as some news are available.

I run small business related to electronic and embedded engineering. We also highly depend on our contractors. At present moment we wait for small components 26-28 weeks lead time. This is for small $5 component and we can not release product to customers. We now wait for some other components which we ordered from world known supplier and lead time is 52 weeks. Our customers are also waiting and also go crazy :( Everything in this world went crazy with this virus :(
It also doesn’t help they don’t go quite in order either. They pick a kit and do a bunch, then do another kit and a bunch of those, etc… From the reports it isn’t like they go through each Sales order in order and keep changing kits. That would be a lot slower than grouping similar kits together at once
I spoke with Greg, he explained that the situation is way more complicated. VANs depends on their sub-contractors who are unable to provide ETA due to many various reasons one of which is lack of staff. Despite they now expanding the capacity of their production the bottle neck are sub-contractors who are one of the main reasons for delays in our kits delivery :(

Sure you may ask - why not to change sub-contractor - problem is that it will take even longer to get quality aviation product which will pass VANs QA. I remember story with RV10 landing gear mounts when all orders (including my) where delayed because of the quality of welding by experienced contractor. QA is the king.

I wish VANs can provide all of us with bi weekly updates but my guess is that these updates will look the same as in quoted above web link for order status page.

Greg said in his video that they will keep updating and communicating so I am sure they will update all of us as soon as some news are available.

I run small business related to electronic and embedded engineering. We also highly depend on our contractors. At present moment we wait for small components 26-28 weeks lead time. This is for small $5 component and we can not release product to customers. We now wait for some other components which we ordered from world known supplier and lead time is 52 weeks. Our customers are also waiting and also go crazy :( Everything in this world went crazy with this virus :(

I think supplier problems are fair to extend lead times. But, emp kit is 95% just aluminum and rivets. I'd be fine getting the kit minus welded or 3rd party parts, and receiving those at a future date.

Great videos by the way, your YouTube keeps me entertained while I wait!
It also doesn’t help they don’t go quite in order either. They pick a kit and do a bunch, then do another kit and a bunch of those, etc… From the reports it isn’t like they go through each Sales order in order and keep changing kits. That would be a lot slower than grouping similar kits together at once

It seems to be true that grouping the kits would be faster than going in order, but I wonder if that's really the case. Van's did it one way for decades successfully. Things have been going downhill since the change to batching. It's possible that management made some poor decision in the process change and ended up amplifying the impact of supply issues.
It has to be a huge time savings for Vans. Say, batch by five kits. Build five crates. Pull five pieces of each part. Walk one time to crate. I would imagine a 50% reduction in crating time per kit. The down side of course is a possible 500% delay for the guy due the first kit, plus the customer delay of waiting for the previous kits from different airplanes batched in front of him.
Ordered all four kits June of 2021 to try and avoid any price increases. I have not received anything to date.
Ordered the RV-10 empennage (plus QB kits) just before Oshkosh. Was urged to pay for empennage at the beginning of November as crating was imminent, and I did so. Today the status page still shows no crating date for empennage, just "parts being produced." However, there are distant and broad date windows listed for crating of QB wing and fuselage.

I've seen posts elsewhere of May orders being received now (RV-14?) I cannot fault Vans one bit for grouping like orders in attempts to keep up with demand (which doubled in 2021, they say.) Actually I'm surprised they weren't doing that already. Perhaps it wasn't at all warranted before this overwhelming demand sneaked up on them?
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Empennage Kit

I ordered mine last August 22 and like you all am still waiting - I also ordered the QB for the wings and the fuselage too - they have now been pushed back to April 23. It must be great for Vans to have such a strong customer base and very full sales pipeline - I just hope it improves for us as the customer and I am sure they are doing every thing they can to fulfill the back orders too!!!

I ordered my 10 finish and fwf kit the end of March 21. Original crating date was early December 21. I paid in full end of November or early December in hopes it might speed things up. I haven’t heard any updates on crating and my kit status shows parts being produced. Just a FYI for anyone who has ordered after March. Does anyone know what month order dates are actually shipping on fwf kits?
I ordered my 10 finish and fwf kit the end of March 21. Original crating date was early December 21. I paid in full end of November or early December in hopes it might speed things up. I haven’t heard any updates on crating and my kit status shows parts being produced. Just a FYI for anyone who has ordered after March. Does anyone know what month order dates are actually shipping on fwf kits?

I ordered my finish and fwl fwd kit Jan 27, 2021 and it was shipped November 17, 2022 so you should be getting close. Now the QB wings that’s been a fiasco. Original crate date aug 2021, then feb -June 2022. Now the latest is May-sept as it shows it’s on its way to an assembly Center somewhere. Good thing I have enough stuff to keep busy at.

I ordered my finish and fwl fwd kit Jan 27, 2021 and it was shipped November 17, 2022 so you should be getting close. Now the QB wings that’s been a fiasco. Original crate date aug 2021, then feb -June 2022. Now the latest is May-sept as it shows it’s on its way to an assembly Center somewhere. Good thing I have enough stuff to keep busy at.


Keith, I ordered almost the same times you did and yes, my QB wings say May - Sept crating date which could mean maybe Christmas 2022 arrival. Yes, a lot to do still. Good thing this will all be worth it!!
Maybe we should create a shipment tracking thread? Sticky it and have a section for each kit that shows the latest “shipments” and when they were ordered. Maybe we can “crowdsource” ourselves to at least get information to each other. Hopefully Vans will jump on the bandwagon with more accurate updates soon because this waiting without details is super disappointing.
Maybe we should create a shipment tracking thread? Sticky it and have a section for each kit that shows the latest “shipments” and when they were ordered. Maybe we can “crowdsource” ourselves to at least get information to each other. Hopefully Vans will jump on the bandwagon with more accurate updates soon because this waiting without details is super disappointing.

I'd be interested in this. Possibly a google form with the results spreadsheet open to the public?
Ordered 14 emp in October. No date yet.

Ordered QB wings in November. They are projected for March 24, 2023 - June 26, 2023.

I am planning to get everything else ordered (QB fuse and finishing kit) in the next few weeks just so it is all in the queue.
I'd be interested in this. Possibly a google form with the results spreadsheet open to the public?

I don’t know how easy that would be to setup. I was thinking more of the old man manual route and start it and just update it. That way as people ship it’s a simple edit and add “Shipped XX/YY/ZZ”. We could have sections for each kit and SB vs QB.

Unless someone’s tech savvy that can create a editable form like that.
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So an update on kit shipments……. So I ordered both empennage and wings together back in August. I was told 4 months for the tail and 7-8 months for the wing kit. I just received notice that my wing kit is ready to go to crating and they’d like the balance. They still hAve no word on my tail kit.

A question for the experienced builders, would I be doing myself a disservice to start the wings first since that’s what is available to ship and everything is so messed up? I have done Synergy’s builders fundamentals class….
Assigned to Crating


Just checked and found our SB wings are assigned to crating. Ordered July 27, 2021.

Somehow, we thought we'd be waiting through the summer. YIPPIE!

I ordered empennage during Oshkosh last year, even received a $100, discount. I ordered fuselage sometime in mid November... Two weeks ago I emailed Vans' kit sales and was told I was 61st in line for empennage and 54th in line for fuselage.

It is very important to me that Van's takes its time and make sure that the quality does not suffer due to all these supply chain and manufacturing problems.
Received notification wings are ready for crating. Ordered them late June....

The Kit Status Portal still shows "Parts Being Produced" for the wings. So I am not sure how often that is updated.
I ordered empennage during Oshkosh last year, even received a $100, discount. I ordered fuselage sometime in mid November... Two weeks ago I emailed Vans' kit sales and was told I was 61st in line for empennage and 54th in line for fuselage.

It is very important to me that Van's takes its time and make sure that the quality does not suffer due to all these supply chain and manufacturing problems.

If Vans were keeping up with the 4000 kits ordered in 2021 (but obviously they can't,) they would be shipping >300 kits per month and your place in the queue wouldn't be very far off at all.

I'm not sure what to make of a position number in the line for fuselage kits. Is that queue a mix of Quick Build and SB kits? Obviously any SB would come sooner than most (all?) QB kits in that line.

I share your concern that quality control is maintained as Vans and their subs struggle to keep up.
I have noticed one thing about the kit status portal. You will hear from Vans looking for final payment on a kit. About a week will pass and then its status changes to crating from parts being produced.
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I have noticed one thing about the kit status portal. You will hear from Vans looking for final payment on a kit. About a week will pass and then its status changes in the kit status portal to crating.

Yes that seems to be the trend. But how long does it take for the crating to schedule and be completed. Would be nice to see a bit more movement there once they process our payment and it’s assigned.
I was told it can take about a month from crating notification to the kit shipping. I don't know how accurate that is, just someone else's observation.
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Dumb question. I ordered empennage just a month ago. Will status not update until crating? Just curious because right now when I enter my number it states nothing found.
Dumb question. I ordered empennage just a month ago. Will status not update until crating? Just curious because right now when I enter my number it states nothing found.

The kit status page (vansaircraft.com/kitstatus) should update to show your kit with "parts being produced".


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Yeah I get when I enter my builder number and other info. I’ll reach out and see what’s up.


Make sure you use your email address, not ZIP code. My Zip in their system is Zip + 4, and I use just the Zip, and nothing shows up. Use your builder # and email address. I suppose you could put in the Zip + 4...