Piper J3

Well Known Member
Snug as a bug in rug...



That is why I live in Texas

And that's why I live in Arizona. (Spent 5 1/2 hrs from FFZ/AZ to F46/Rockwall TX, and 5 1/2 DAYS getting back at the end of Sept). Reminded me of the John Denver song about Toledo OH, with the line "I spent a week there one day." VFR across West TX with low ceilings.

Your warm sunny days must be priceless when the snow melts.
You poor, poor babies. -4 here at the moment, and I don't think it's been above zero since last week. Nice and sunny, though. Looks like a perfect day to go fly. Last night was -15...
Two days ago I managed to get the shop area in my hanger In Gladwin, MI (KGDW) up to a tropical 22* F using a 150,000 btu propane torpedo heater. Got a good 4 hours of work done before the gas regulator froze up and the heater stopped working!
Same here...

100,000 BTU propane heater running continuously got the workspace of the hanger from crisp 18F to a rather comfortable 40F. But as soon as it shut off(I have a t-stat that has a one hour max run time) it got cold quick. 12F 10G18 outside at KLPR. But the 660 and GDL 39 got installed. :)

Maybe someday this year I'll be able to fly. December was a bust. Phase one is dragging... :(
We haven?t seen a 20F OAT for a couple of weeks now. I?m very fortunate to have a 34x40 attached heated hangar at home, which I keep at 50F 24/7. I turned it up to 55 the other day to fit the wings on my -7, and with all the walking around involved in that process it got too warm and I turned it back down. For just hanging out out there, it?ll go from 50 to 60 in about 10 minutes. I?m the second owner, so I don?t know the R-values, but the two outside walls are 6-inch construction, the 12x40 door has 2-inch foam board, and there?s about 2 feet of insulation above the 14.5? ceiling.

For those building in cold hangars, take heart. Our project finally flew a couple of weeks ago. For the first flight I set minimum weather limits at -15C and 10kts of wind. We managed to get up to -15C and the wind dropped to less than 10kts so we were a "go" for first flight.

The flight was particularly sweet, given that much of the work on the aircraft had been accomplished in a hangar which isn't much more than a shed, with snow blowing in, no insulation, no ceiling, and a foot or so of open space under the sliding doors. After a half dozen winters of this I figured she had to fly before I went through another winter of frozen fingers.

Keep pounding away on rivets - it's all very worthwhile when you get to taste the sweetness of flight.
All buildings of the new RV-12iS is Frozen, waiting for a day above 55 to prime, looks like its going to be a long, long winter of no building. (I'm crying inside)