
Well Known Member
W1208L wing rib. Out of the 52 ribs I have one as per picture attached. Looked at plans and cannot find this one. It has 8 additional holes drilled. It was also the most c*** quality rib I have, took a lot of work to make it semi decent. Am I missing something or do I have an odd rib?
Sorry, as many before I cannot work out how to attach a picture. Why is that so difficult? Any help??
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Pictures are a pain here for sure. Email it to me and I will post it. I have finally figured it out on photobucket. rockwoodrv9a@ gmail dot com

Here is the photo of the rib in question. Im not doing a 12, so I cant comment on if it is correct or not. Looks like the holes are for some fitting to be mounted to?
The 8 extra holes are for the electrical connector that goes on the most inboard rib. You should have 2 ribs with the extra holes.
16-04 Fig 3


Thanks for the response. I definitely only have one such rib and as far as I can see the electrical connectors fit on the inboard rib with 3 nutplates as page 16-04 Fig 3. All ribs are pre-drilled for these nutplates. Been through the drawings again and can see nowhere in the plans where this rib with the 8extra holes is required or shown.

Jim Devlin
A picture of the innermost rib and the new connector (2nd picture). No nut plates required for the new connector. You referring to the old connector. That one was attached with three nut plates.

Old connector movie:

Old connector:

New connector (chapter 31A):

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Section 31A


If you convert from the old wing connection to the new one, is there a template or something for the new connector? Section 31A is not in the update section of the Vans Website. I assume you did not have to replace the inner wing rib! I wish Vans would publish some of these updates on the website, it would make understanding easier. PS - I know why I have one odd W1208L, I had to replace one and I assume it is a new design to accomodate the new wing wiring connection.
Jim D
Correct, I received a template with the Skyview package to drill the inner rib. I guess the new connection will be standard now for the new wings. You can use your predrilled rib to drill the other one (or wait for the template).


Joeri, thanks. I think I concur with your idea of using the rib I have as a template. If I put the new left I have and an old right and cleco them together through the common nutplate holes, I think that will give me a "new" right. I don't know if you can confirm this. I wish Van's would post new updated drawings.
Jim D
I think that would be more precise than using the template. Also at this stage its easier to drill and debur the holes. I don't have these chapters digital. I believe other builders have. Ask Van's to mail them to you.

What is the date of your wing kit? The present wing kit must be updated by now with the new connectors.