
Active Member
Ready to start closing up my first wing. I'm probably missing some note on the plans or a blurb in the manual, but I can't find any guidance on whether or not to dimple or countersink the W721 flap brace where it rivets to the dimpled lower wing skin.

This is the area that will sandwich the lower skin, the flap brace and the flap hinge. If I dimple the flap brace to match the skin then I'll also have to dimple or c/s the flap hinge as well. If I c/s the flap brace to take the skin dimples then nothing needs to be done to the hinge.

Any of you remember what you did? Or point me to the instructions or note that I'm missing.

Found the answer..

thanks I found the answer....dimple skin....c/s the flap brace...nothing but holes in the hinge.