
Well Known Member
I am not sure if I am crazy or not but I was jigging up my wings and started attaching the W-711 ribs and the holes in the rear spar do not match up. Has anyone else run into this?

If so what is the solution, just drilling the holes in the correct place? HELP!!
Warning: Most of the time if holes don't line up, you're doing somethign wrong. So don't drill anything yet.

When you say they don't line up, what exactly is the offset? Also, have you jigged up both wings. On the right wing, the callout for the rib number is different on the right wing than on the left wing that is shown.

Make sure you've got the rear spar oriented correctly too.
In your assembly manual, check page 7-3. Look under "Main rib/spar assembly". They tell you about those 711 ribs in the two underlying paragraphs. The top and bottom holes align and you drill new holes using the rear spar as a guide. Hope this helps.
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Old Instructions

Thanks for the help. My instructions are from 2001 when the original purchaser of the kit received it. Must be old info.