
Well Known Member
Got around to trimming the F-1262 blocks per the plans and decided to do a test fit onto the W-1213 flap handle (after doing a little filing along the outside edge of the flap handle to remove some sharp edges). My blocks have to be worked onto the W-1213 flap handle ? it?s a very tight fit. I can hold the block in my hand and the flap handle won?t budge until I apply a fair amount of pressure to it.

Have others found these parts fitting this tightly? If so, did you sand out the hole in the F-1262 blocks or polish down the W-1213 flap handle or a combination thereof? Or accept the fact ? yep, it is a really really tight fit and move on?

Comments or suggestions appreciated.
Got around to trimming the F-1262 blocks per the plans and decided to do a test fit onto the W-1213 flap handle (after doing a little filing along the outside edge of the flap handle to remove some sharp edges). My blocks have to be worked onto the W-1213 flap handle ? it?s a very tight fit. I can hold the block in my hand and the flap handle won?t budge until I apply a fair amount of pressure to it.

Have others found these parts fitting this tightly? If so, did you sand out the hole in the F-1262 blocks or polish down the W-1213 flap handle or a combination thereof? Or accept the fact ? yep, it is a really really tight fit and move on?

Comments or suggestions appreciated.

Mine were tight, but not that tight as I recall. I don't remember having to do any trimming, but it was an awkward/tight fit as I recall. You really have to get the whole assembly together with the spacers to ensure it is working correctly.
Dito on my fit. I did take care though when I painted the handle to tape off the area that would go into the blocks and I also applied a thin film of grease on them before sliding them in.
Flag handle to tight

Make sure you have the blocks in right. Side up. When mine where being reinstalled ,they where put back in upside down and where too tight.

Thanks for the responses guys. Somewhat comforting to hear the blocks have been a tight fit for others as well. Definitely will mask off the areas on the flap handle that insert into the blocks so no paint or powder coating (not sure what coating I?ll be using yet) interferes with the already tight fit.

I have not placed a light duty grease like Lubriplate on the flap handle yet, but was planning on doing so for final assembly. I?m sure that will help some as well.

A snug fit but not tight. However one block about 3/64" thicker than the other which may put things off centre. I don't think this will be an issue but has anyone else encountered this?
Jim D