
Active Member
I am at the point of riveting the skin onto the VSTAB.
I notice that is notes that If you plan a strobe or other lighting installation on the VSTAB be sure to provide for the necessary wiring runs and access before the skin is riveted.

What have others done to accomidate this wiring?

Usually, the vertical stab gets a whisker VOR antenna if it gets anything. I don't think anyone has bothered to put a strobe up there. With the tail-dragger models, usually the VOR is put below the horizontal stab because otherwise it's about at eye height, so only the -xA models need the wiring.

Routing can be grommets or conduit with a string to pull the cable if you are not sure you will be installing it yet. You can go ahead and install the fiberglass tip per the plans; it is easy to drill out pop rivets and replace with screws and nutplates if you decide later to install the antenna.