
I tipped a 426AD4-7 rivet using the squeezer while riveting the upper VS-410PP hinge bracket, rear spar doubler, and rear spar. Pictures here:

The damage seems to be just powder-coat. But, since this is a control system component, I asked Vans tech support for a recommendation on how to proceed... But, of course, they're out for OSH until next week.

My current plan is to clean up the marring in the powder coat (smoothing ridges, etc.), and just make another attempt.

What say the crowd?

Thank you,
Yes I agree, smooth out any nicks from the metal, prime any bare spots, and then re-do the rivet.
Powder coat

Steel is harder than the aluminum rivet so most likely, the weldment is fine. Clean up. Touch up. Rivetit does look odd like there's threads in the hole. Maybe it's layers of parts.
I will pass along the advice of my tech adviser. You're building a tractor, not a watch. Smooth it out, prime any bare spots, set a new rivet and build on. Some of the rivets in that vertical stab spar are a little long, so you may have to shorten them. If I remember, some of those hinge brackets are ones that need a shorter rivet. YMMV
Thank you!

Thank you, gentlemen. Build on!

@wirejock: the rough/threaded look is due to some powder-coat getting smeared in the hole while reaming. And, yes, it’s also three layers: steel hinge, spar stiffener, and rear spar.