
Well Known Member
I was finally able to cleco the skin to the VS skeleton. I notice that where the middle and bottom nose rib ends are, an inch or so from the leading edge of the VS, a corner of the nose rib is poking into the skin making a distinct bump out on each side of the VS. Thus, there are 3 pairs of bumps. It is the corner of the rib end where it is elbowing into the skin.

Clearly, there is significant pressure there to create this reverse dimple. I took the ribs out and made sure to smooth and round out the outside corner on this rib and rib flange end. The bump is still clearly there.

I just wanted to check/verify if others have noticed this bump too? I am partly chalking it up to still having blue plastic on the skin. Once all the plastic is off, i am sure it will help mitigate that bump.

Was there anything special people did to make sure their skins were smooth?

Thanks for the insights,
This is probably a dumb question, but did you get the rib flanges perpendicular to the web? They're typically angle out, sometimes by quite a bit, and that can make things fit funny.
Thank you very much

Thanks for that tip. Without a human pointer, there was no way even google could do that search. What a shame, google is worth more than ebay and yahoo combined, yet cannot find me a "nose rib bump" page. ;)

I had it too

I had the same problem with two HS ribs on my RV8. With everything prepunched it's pretty hard to screw this up. The rib was just a bit too tall--I made sure the flange was perpendicular, double checked everything. Long story short, I took my fluting pliers and put a flute in the nose of the rib, and that pulled it down.