
Active Member
Finished HS and I really appreciate the great advice provided on this site....It is well worth the annual conrtibution. Anyway I am starting the VS and the doubler is pretty bowed...more than the HS doubler. How did you guys straighten the doubler?
You must be referring to the spar doubler (808PP) Mine had a couple inches of bow too. Once you cleco it too the spar it straightens out. I didn't go about trying to straighten it otherwise. Just cleco then rivet here.
I just use a table to put one end on and bend by hand to get it "closer" than when it came out of the box. Once riveted, as mentioned, it will be OK. I just wanted to start with a little flatter piece. It doesn't need to be absolutely flat.
+1. Mine was pretty bowed, too. Gentle bending over the edge of the bench flattened it out enough. Once riveted, you're good.
I'm on that exact same step. Mine was bowed as well but as other posters have stated, I just flexed it back by hand as I clecoed it down.