
Well Known Member
Hello. On the Vertical Stabilizer, page 06-02 step 7 has you riveting a doubler to the spar. At this point nothing is primed. The plans don't have you priming anything until 06-04 step 3.

I know all about the primer wars. I've read section 5.1. What I don't understand is why the instructions say the time to prime is after you've already riveted some things together. Is there something special about this doubler that priming it before riveting is unwarranted?
There are several places where the plans tell you to "Prime if desired" at a point beyond which I preferred to prime (e.g, I prefer to prime before dimpling). I can't imagine any part where priming individual parts would be a problem compared to priming after riveting the parts together. Priming after riveting gives you the added problem of potentially having to remove a rivet that has been painted over.
Is there something special about this doubler that priming it before riveting is unwarranted?[/QUOTE]

No, it’s aluminum so if you’re priming it should be primed before riveting. For the most part the plans are pretty good at pointing out when to prime. Mostly common sense. BTW, thanks for your post. I went out to the shop to look at mine and realized I didn’t install the 4-470 3-3.5 rivets in that doubler.