Don Patrick

Well Known Member

I have wired up my infinity sticks and have the VP100 system. I also have the PHAviation relay board.

Just I even need this relay board if I'm operating the VP100?


Don, just follow the instructions and wire the VP-100 directly to the trim motors! :D No relay board needed like Tom said.


I removed the relay board Marc and wired to the VP100 accordingly.

Will the flaps work without the Ray Allen POS-12?

For some reason, the flaps wont work, but everything else is. I tried to go into to flap settings enable it and follow the directions, i have no flaps and it wont let me save any if the settings?

The flap motor works as i tested it today. I have a D180 as well. Cant figure it out.

Were good!

Shout out to Mark Olsen!

Didnt realize i had to make up numbers for the up and down limits to get the flaps working.

Thanks for the help Mark!

Hi Don,

Yes you can use it without a POS-12, but you won't have a flap position reading other than your eyeballs to look at the flaps.

Also, the only thing to limit the flap position at the endpoints is the limit of the flap motor travel, which in the case of the Vans motor is generally OK.

Be sure that you use a momentary up and down flap switch, otherwise the motor will continue to run and you'll get a flap fault.
Thanks Mark

Got the flaps working just fine. Just trying to get the POS-12 adjusted properly so that I can mount it.

Onto the aileron trim, which I tied into the D180 as per the instructions on the VP forum...I'll let you know how I make out!

