Well Known Member
I have a VP-200 display that is on the fritz.

Does any one know of someone who could possible repair the display?

The problem is what is displayed is just lines and blocks of white and black.
Had the same problem-twice

I had the same problem twice. The first time, VP supported the box just after the sale of the Company. After that, they would not touch my equipment. The second time it happened, an electronics friend of mine looked inside and found a ribbon connector needed re-seating. This was the same cause found by VP’s new owners the first time. It was a vertically hanging connection that loosened with gravity and jolts. We installed a small piece of styrofoam to wedge the connection in place. No problems since. My advice...open the display and check snugness of the video connection ribbon and any other connections. There are many circuit boards inside but checking connections is doable. Hopefully, you’ll be flying right afterwards.
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Thanks for that info...I'll open the display and see what magic I find under the cover and check the connectors.