Well Known Member
I have an RV-10 with VP-200 that I acquired.

We have questions about VP-200 configuration so we reached out to Chad Jensen over the weekend, but he responded this morning that he is unable to help with any VP-200 questions or issues.

So here goes...

I am trying to add 4 electrical devices to the current configuration. One is a new cowl landing light from Aerosports Products, 2 panel mounted USB connectors and power for my APRS tracker.

Thinking the landing light would be the easiest and quickest to get our feet wet in trying to learn how the configuration for the VP-200 goes we jumped head first.

On our spread sheet we had an empty spot on J6 pin 7 which was listed as unused. When we went to confirmed it we weren't able to select pin 7. We went from pin 6 and it then jumped to pin 9.

So my first question is when it says unused on the spread sheet would that mean it is unavailable for usage or has not been turned on/configured for usage?

Second question, as we scrolled thru the device configuration there were several devices listed but not were configured. Some were on the default list and some were not. Is it OK to just delete the devices that aren't on the default list to clean things up?

Third question is their a method or madness in selecting which connector to assign a device too? For the landing light above we just choose J6 because it has an empty space. Was that correct or what?

Also Chad said that there was a group of VP-200 owners trying to organize support for the product...where do I find these fine people?

So my first question is when it says unused on the spread sheet would that mean it is unavailable for usage or has not been turned on/configured for usage?

Those pins that say "unused" on the spreadsheet would be better named "unavailable".

Second question, as we scrolled thru the device configuration there were several devices listed but not were configured. Some were on the default list and some were not. Is it OK to just delete the devices that aren't on the default list to clean things up?


Third question is their a method or madness in selecting which connector to assign a device too? For the landing light above we just choose J6 because it has an empty space. Was that correct or what?

No real method - just be sure it supports the amperage required for the device.

FYI, if needed, documentation can still be downloaded here:
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It is probably easiest to put the cowl landing light on the same circuit as the left wingtip light. The circuit can handle the load and then it would wigwag with e tip lights. I don't know if it will wigwag three separate circuits. You would just need to use AWG14-16 wire to handle the load that the circuit puts out.

Any devices that are not configured (i.e. cheetah) can be removed from the device list.

If the system skipped the pin, then it is assigned to another device. You have to scroll through the devices in the device setup to find it if you want to know what it is assigned to.

The spreadsheet was likely not updated which is why it was shown as empty. You could verify open pins by looking at the connectors and seeing if a wire is in the respective pin.

The installation instructions (at the link above) do show how to assign a pin. It is fairly straightforward.

Hope that helps.