
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
For this month's "Best Of...." Kitplanes photo contest, we asked builders to send in their best experimental aircraft wiring photo. The editorial staff has sorted through the entries and picked the three that we thought best represented good technique and practice - now it is your chance to vote! Take a quick cruise over to the website and choose the one that you think is best.

And stay alert for next month's "Best of..." when we'll be asking for more photos of YOUR homebuilt!
Follow Up Explanation

Paul -

After selecting a winner (for any/all) for your photo of the month - a bit of explanation of how it was achieved would be beneficial to all of us. I personally have always been in awe of the beautiful wire jobs that are represented so well in your choices for this month. If there is a "template" for that sort of thing, I'd sure like to know about it.

The same request holds true for the rest of your "subject" photos - we all want to learn how to do these things better. What EAA was founded on - Education & Recreation!


That's a neat idea David - but it will depend on the winner's willingness to share their secrets! We'll have to look in to it.


i'm curious as to how tight these bundles are and if there is any issue with interference between them? are the data lines separated from the power when the layout is designed?
i'm curious as to how tight these bundles are and if there is any issue with interference between them? are the data lines separated from the power when the layout is designed?

That is what I try to do when I wire things up. My Rocket was photo #2, and I usually start at the device and wire forward to the panel. When doing so, I run all power wires in one bundle down one side of the airplane, and all the audio/signal wires in another bundle. In particular, I keep the headphone plug wires away from the others and I make sure to use the ground in the back of the radio for these.

Some will say that all this is not necessary. Everyone has an opinion. All I will say is that my airplanes have had very quiet sound systems. You won't hear the strobes pinging in your headphone in my airplane.