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I have installed vortex generators on my RV-8A. They work very well. The stall speed is 4-5 kts. lower and the plane is more controllable at landing with a smoother stall. Have not noted much change in top speed.
Vortex Generators


Did you design your own or use a preconstructed set? Please post more details of the system. Any pictures you could share with the VAF Forum?

Although vortex generators are not needed on the RV series, EAB is great to allow us to use the E in experimental. Just make sure you make logbook entries putting the plane back in phase 1, perform comprehensive flight test to obtain the effect at ALL flight conditions, document the new numbers, and then update the POH.
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Have not noted much change in top speed.

A little more specific would be helpful....

The detailed flight testing I was involved in quite a few years ago showed that there was enough speed change that most people would not consider the mod. to be of value.
It did improve aileron control during stall but RV's already have ailerons that are active in a stall (and you shouldn't be using aileron for rol control during a stall anyway)

BTW, at least two (maybe three... can't remember) VG installation patterns were tried (as recommended by the VG supplier). All with the same result.
I bought the Hall vg kit. You can see a description on the Spruce home page. I only installed them on the wings.
Nothing wrong with a little experimenting, Claus. Three knot slower stall speed is ok....but not at the expense of a slower speed on the top end.

Most here want to go faster not slower. :)
One of the cool things about experimental aircraft is that we get to try these things out.

I tried the VG thing and it looked like it slowed the stall speed around 4 mph. But the stall went from plenty of warning and a nice gentle stall to virtually no warning and a very quick break. It also seemed to slow cruise speed by about 2 mph. There was not a super scientific approach to my testing so keep that in mind.

Plus with having to wipe around the darn things to clean the airplane I felt the possible gains were not worth it.

Still it was a fun little project.
insurmountable problems...?

aaaand, the solution;


part of experimental aviation........using something other than a rag to wash your $200,000 aircraft!

Does not get hung up on VG's, reaches the top of the tail without a ladder, cures male pattern baldness, ED, ADD, etc. the envy of all your rag-toting friends!
I installed 4 home made Hall Type vortex generators on my T-18, 2 ahead of each aileron. This improved aileron response at stall speeds by a lot.
You don't need to cover the whole wing with VGs if you are looking for a specific kind of change.
I attached them with double sided carpet tape, after applying wax remover to the paint.
I also applied a hall type VG in my oil cooler duct (when I was running the turbo rotary engine) to pull the airflow down the divergent section...It worked! lowered my oil temp about 10F.
I did not put any on my RV-8.
I wonder if the aileron shudder often encountered at full deflection in a roll would go away if a couple of VGs were mounted ahead of them? I'm not in a hurry to try this, as the shudder does not seem detrimental, and I'm still getting to know my plane.